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bloechlinger engineering AG
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How to boost Innovation in your company
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Roland Kern, Project Manager "Technology & Innovation"
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Case Study - Technology-Insourcing
Starting Point
A manufacturer of gas turbines has problems in delivery, costs and quality with the external
production of turbine blades.
The coating and processing of the blades are therefore to be shifted from external
suppliers to own plants. At the same time, new production technologies are to be
applied to improve the cooling of the blades and to reduce the manufacturing costs to
at least 30%. |
Since the project is under enormous time pressure, concurrent engineering is applied,
hence a maximum of activities are approached simultaneously and in parallel.
The necessary know how is supplied by a team of internal and external experts as well as
from a cooperation agreement with former suppliers. |
The required implementation is based on three key factors:
1. The application of a new laser drilling technology instead of
the approved EDM process. 2. The close collaboration with the turbine blade development
and the resulting new, easier producible cooling technology. 3. The consequent application of
leading specialist firms ("best in class") for the whole range of technologies (laser, machines,
controller, tooling, CADCAM etc.).
Bereits nach einem Jahr konnte der stagnierende Trend gebrochen und ein
neues Wachstum erzielt werden.
In den folgenden Jahren pendelt die Umsatzwachstumsrate zwischen 20
– 30 %. Aufgrund der entsprechenden Deckungsbeitragseffekte
wächst auch der EBIT signifikant von 0% auf über 10%.