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+++ 31.3.2016 +++
New Brochure Company Presentation
bloechlinger engineering AG
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+++ 17.1.2016 +++
Innovation Handbook
How to boost Innovation in your company
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+++ 1.10.2016 +++
New employee
Roland Kern, Project Manager "Technology & Innovation"
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Study - Build and Ramp Up of a Photovoltaic Plant
Starting Point
A technology start-up company has developed a process to manufacture solar cells in a very cost effective way.
A pilot line runs successfully and first products could be delivered and tested in the field.
The needed capital could be found to build the first serial production plan with a high volume output.
Hence technology and money is available but the management skills and resources to build the plant and make
it running are lacking.
We have been mandated with the overall project management. Based on our methodology "Effective Project Management"
we develop a realisation concept and start with a proper setup of the project.
The appropriate division of work with sub-projects and work packages and the parallelisation of the task is an
essential part.
The project team is a well-balanced mixture of external senior managers with industrial experience
and internal employees who have the necessary technology know how. |
Effective Project Management means also optimal communication and coordination among all sub-projects and tasks.
Together with our long-term business experience and leadership skills we achieve a fast progress while risk and costs are
minimized.. |
Only four months after the start of construction, the first coating machine started operation.
In parallel to the completion of the construction and infrastructure, the other equipment
were progressively put into operation and the process transferred and validated.
The production lines could be handed over to the production organisation which previously
has been trained at the Pilot line.
The fast and on-time completion has also a cost effect: the budget felt below the budget. |